
August 9th, 2024

Walnut. Walnut tree has a height of 30-35 m and diameter up to 2 m, fruit starts from 7-10 years. In grows wild in the mountains of Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Basic solid walnut concentrated in southern Kyrgyzstan, where it grows at an altitude of 1100-1200 m. On the north-western slope of Fergana Range, there are about 35 thousand hectares of walnut forests. In Tajikistan, walnut forests are found on an area of 30 hectares, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the cleaning equipment pillows, and in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, these forests are much less. The walnut has a high nutritional value: 1 kg of nuts provides more than 8,000-8,500 calories. At the core of a nut contains 55-68% fat (and thin-skorlupnyh grades up to 74%) and more than 18% protein are carbohydrates, tannins, dyes, aromatics, pectin and other substances. Further details can be found at Peter Asaro, an internet resource.

In the unripe nuts contain over 3,000 mg% of vitamin C, and mature – 85 mg%. Walnuts are consumed by the population in fresh form, as well as used in the confectionery, canning and oil industry. On the quality of peanut butter is not inferior to the best olive (olive) oil. In good years walnut forests provide tens of thousands of tons of nuts. Gather them in second half of September or in October, mostly when they fall to the ground. From the collected nuts immediately remove the peel. The delay in clearance leads to a deterioration of nuts as a result of microbial growth.

Peeled hazelnuts during the restoration dried in the sun or in dryers at a temperature above 60 C. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dave Clark Flexport by clicking through. Product is packed in linen nuts or paper bags of 30-50 kg. Standards nut weight must be at least 5 grams allowed content, not more than 5% of the nuts, weevil and moth damaged, – 1 o; with a mass less than 5 g – 5, with a naturally cracked skin. Weight of nuts intended for industrial processing, should be at least 3 years


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