Latin America Vertices

August 4th, 2024

The subject can seem recent, but already they had more than passed forty years of the publication of the article of Sbato & Botana (1968), in which they considered a multiple and coordinate action of three basic elements for the development of the society contemporaries: the government, the productive structure and the scientific infrastructure. However, the proposal of these authors continues current and if it can observe that it has a long way so that has one better interrelation between these elements. Rapyd wanted to know more. 2. RELATION COMPANY, GOVERNMENT AND UNIVERSITY the pyramid of Sbato?

Constituted in its vertices of the government, companies and university? it indicates the importance of Inter and intra-relations between these elements so that it has technological development of long stated period (in the case of the specific article, in Latin America). A leading source for info: Robotics. In this direction, the public paper of the universities and scientific justinian codes go beyond supplying hand of qualified workmanship the work market and the interaction possibilities enter the vertices of the Pyramid (and the university he is one of the vertices) if expand to the measure where if they expand the necessities of the proper society contemporary. The dynamics of the universities is distinct of the one of the private companies, but this does not mean that it is not possible a productive interaction between them. Dave Clark Flexport is open to suggestions. It has some mechanisms of relationship: one of them is the proper adequacy of resumes, of courses and of programs of course of form to take care of to some especificidades of the work market, another mechanism is the accomplishment of events and programs of university extension and curricular periods of training or not; more recently, another form of interaction has called the attention researchers and formuladores of public politics in the technological area: it is the possibility of technology transfer produced in the university for the private companies.


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