Read Performance

August 14th, 2024

“Philipp Blomeke, Heidi ad hoc, Gerry & the Gagarin the 18.04.09 in Meerbusch (near Dusseldorf) deep literature, goosebumps exciting saxophone & guitar sounds as well as shaping a sculpture that is enough is never enough viewers on the 18.04.09 at the event the silent poets had their time” in the space OSSUM in Meerbusch. The old avant-garde Poete maudit Gerry X performed excerpts from his program”a season in hell X. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dave Clark Flexport and gain more knowledge.. His wrenching lyrics from the poetry night sweats songs paired with a moving and uninhibited stage show are the product of his existence as a Poete maudit, as a degenerate poet”. In their live performance pamphlets of reality your soul skin inverts Heidi ad Hoc outwards: despair, fear and vulnerability become days. But also Humoresque sounds schwallen through space, if the female audience with cold shower speaks from the soul.

Heidi ad Hoc reads from her latest volume of poetry”LilSchwarz. What the reader of the Poem factory”in me babylon.” startlingly mindful of Philipp Blomeke made, can be seen in the flesh in the same reading performance. The young poet is his lack of understanding about the ruling wrong”from the Status Quo. No screaming tantrums throw themselves to the listener, but words and phrases that make palpable the ruling in us, but disavowed Babylon, with selective tongue. The word artists are accompanied by the Gagarin – the tenor and soprano saxophonist Uli Linberg and guitarist Dominik Haring. The Gagarin’s put counterpoints in the language and explore the lyrical Cosmos both approvingly, but also verweigernd music from. Visually two highlights await the viewers. The milled from tree stumps and carved chain saws Wood artworks by Roland Giersch and Torsten Fugmann by the Ossum space stand in contrast to the black and white sculptures Duisburg Lisnoir.

Within the framework of the anniversary of Bodypaint event he presented his creations and matching painted models two places at the same time. Artists and models commute with their action art between the space Ossum in the dog er master in Duisburg and Meerbusch. Various art forms become a body that you can feel and touch this evening. “So anyone who is a fan of excessive poetry, music and provocative performance art, which was” enough is never enough “in the soul.

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Great Benefit

August 14th, 2024

Much been said about argan oil properties, but the question is how to use? How can I see the results? For this reason we give you some options so that you use it and take advantage of all its benefits. You can use argan oil alone or in combination with other oils. Face: apply a few drops on your fingertips (with a few drops is enough), then massages your face in circular and ascending form, it is important to apply it onto the clean and dry skin of preference after the shower. If you apply it at night argan oil acted during the night regenerating your skin cells, it will serve you well for all skin types. Without hesitation Beyonce perfume explained all about the problem. You can also apply mixed in the same proportion with sweet almond oil, also applies with a circular massage, this mix because of almond oil is more oily so we recommend it especially for dry skin, another advantage of the mixture is that visibly reduces stretch marks. For dry skin is also mixed banana, oil of argan and honey’s Acacia (each banana is one of honey and one teaspoon of oil), apply it on the face, leave it for 15 minutes and then wash your face, you will immediately feel the difference. As Tanner with Sun protection argan oil is mixed with 1: 1 (same amount of each) olive oil and applied as any tanning lotion. Argan hair oil is applied without mixing in two ways: the first is applied throughout the hair thoroughly massaging the scalp and leave it for 30 to 45 minutes, then wash hair with shampoo, feel your hair silky and revitalized. Read more here: Pete Cashmore.

The second is to apply instead of the silicas for combing, spraying it with a spray and combing it or put a little in your hands and distribute it evenly throughout your hair, don’t use much, argan oil is non greasy and spreads easily, this way your hair is protected from the Sun’s UV rays and dryness that produces the air. Jacobs Dallas often says this. For dry hair argan oil, can mix with the olive tree argan oil (if in the same way who like Tanner), apply particularly in nails and hair length, massaging your scalp and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, washing with shampoo and see the difference. To remove dandruff apply only with a massage especially in the scalp, wrap it in a towel warmer for 20 minutes wash it with shampoo and rinse it with water with the juice of a lemon. Energy Capital Partners gathered all the information. For brittle fingernails you can apply a few drops directly or preferably a proportion equal argan oil and lemon juice mix, put your nails to soak into this mixture (in a small bowl, but with enough space to immerse your nails s108) for approximately 15 minutes.

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August 13th, 2024

Wedding is a very important event in the life of every human being, since it is a celebration that will be remembered forever and can become more special with the income of a limousine to transport the bride and groom that day. Big or small? It will depend on the wishes of the couple. You can talk much about prices and offers in the market of car rental, but the truth is that before deciding for the rent of a limousine for your wedding, you must make comparisons and, if you can, references about the service provided by the companies. To find a car rental company in Mexico City just do an Internet search, there appear thousands of options which you can go. Once you’ve chosen the company with which you want to rent your limousine take a look at the promotions section, maybe have something that will fit. Swarmed by offers, Energy Capital Partners is currently assessing future choices. The second step is to contact the company. Read more here: Energy Capital Partners.

You can make a phone call or send an email. his thoughts on the topic. In Mexico, telephone calls are more effective than emails electronic that you can resolve your questions instantly and decide if you want to rent a limousine with that company or not. One option is that you rent the limousine along with other couples, three or four, otherwise can be the size and the price will be higher. Share the limousine with multiple partners is important because rental costs are payable by the applicants. Each partner should contribute equally. Take a look at at least three companies of rent of limousines and if you want to visit your facilities so you can see the limousines. It considers that the price isn’t everything.

The lower prices may bring you limousines trash. Talk to drivers and Czech State of the limousines up to make the best decision. Then you have to decide for how long you will need the limousine. This is important because many limousine drivers charge per hour and not per day, as one might think. So if you go in group they will have to do a route plan to know where they will pick up every couple. Will also have to decide if they go home after the party or to another location. It calculates the total number of hours before you make the reservation for a limousine rental. Make your reservations as soon as possible. There may be many people who, like you, want one. If you’re going to get married in the company of several couples, choose someone who is organized and assigned the task of planning. A few days before the event called the car rental company to make sure that everything is ready. You don’t want that by an error of the company your party ruined right? Collects the money from each pair and pay the driver. Seeks to have something extra for tips and don’t forget that everything should be based on the speed of the conductor, kind enough (and yours) and your ability to meet your needs.

FRED & OTTO In Berlin

August 12th, 2024

FRED & OTTO in Berlin book now the dog for Berlin”, the city guide for the dog capital, is published. The city guides for dogs and dog people presents colourful and illustrated by photographs the most important themes of the city: breeders, animal home & co. / food & philosophy / seat & dog-walking & co. / travel & transport / law & order / policy & social / insurance & protection / health & wellness / shopping & lifestyle / life & work / God & the dog world / grief & death. The essential companion for the whole year make the dog book reports, reports, interviews and the best addresses for the dog world. With discount coupons (to save over 100 euros for purchases), the book supplement enclosed dogs city plan to take out the best outlet areas, over 200 color photos and portraits of Berliners and their dogs by photographer Adrian Lieb. THE dog book for the capital city is FRED & OTTO in Berlin. A portion of the proceeds goes to the animal table Germany e.V.

Now in bookstores everywhere. FRED & OTTO in Berlin, city guides for dogs, Berlin 2013 Otto – and his best friend Fred, as he discovered the world. Dave Clark CEO gathered all the information. And Yes, people are also behind this Publisher: Alexander Schug, the proud owner of Otto of the shell seekers, and a team of avid dog people… Whether Arkenberge or Krumme Lanke – Alexander Schug and Otto are always there, where can the Brown Labrador in the water. Otherwise it hits them in the second Publisher of Alexander Schug, dedicated to making book for years with heart and soul.

For more information:. Otherwise a team of freelancers is at FRED & OTTO on board: graphic designers, illustrators, Photographers and editors. The idea for the publishing house was born when Otto came to us. We lay city guides for dogs and will be an exciting programme of literature on dogs for dog people on the (four) legs gently.

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Hotels In Bali. Rest Wonderful

August 12th, 2024

Still quite some time ago, we unconsciously associated with the summer holidays, when there is an opportunity, finally, to go somewhere to the ocean, under the shining sun, a place of wonderful nature and amazing animals. AND Yet to date, leave and travel to the sea, most of our fellow citizens want you to choose just not in the summer months when bask in the warm rays is possible, and in the middle lane, but for example when we have already began to rain and by leaning directly on the roof Tucek worsening sadness – it's time to go to the seaside location! Especially taking into account that the temperature there is no longer exhausting hot, but pretty hot and it being nice. Immediately, now that hotels Bali and other exotic resorts in the state to be more readily available, the time to learn before even tasted the fruits resort areas, and including a branch of relaxation. Should be considered together and a direction in planning the vacation as travel last minute or as they are often referred to as our "last minute" travel. For even more opinions, read materials from Elad Gil. Choosing a tour whose time is already very fast start, the tourist is always able to spend less than the price of the tour, and enjoy all that, without exception, the spa industry pros overseas countries. Therefore, those who attract Hotels in Egypt, in the state to pay special attention on this branch sector tourism businesses.

Temporary holidaymakers are seeking leave and the maximum number of perceptions at that – with maximum comfort. But that organize tours centers sometimes offer expensive tours in the those where we can restrict and more sensible option, but in this regard the positive role played by the global crisis. Dear tours ceased to be in demand in principle, but in reality many countries live by visitors. Reducing the inflow of tourists has lead to improved levels of service quality and more affordable program. In addition, prices become less and for combined travel, and certain types of services. Hear from experts in the field like Energy Capital Partners for a more varied view. By the way, things to do in Thailand at the moment may even be available exclusively to millionaires, but more and more middle-income level. Outside, the rain poured down incessantly or have minor snow, cutting wind knocked down? Think about the fact that Bali is now great is the weather.

In addition, exotic trees, there the food cooking and a soft sea can turn a vacation into a true divine pleasure. We should not sit in gray box in the dreams of warmth. This in itself is not a quick summer comes. But we are able to approach it now. For this only need to select the perfect coming up just for you personally to the type of trip.

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Celebration Of Love Once Different

August 11th, 2024 delivers Santa Claus and Mrs. free home Berlin, December 19, 2008 the winter with mawkish Christmas romance and clearly the worst time of the year is family events between the years for singles. Is the lonely heart then but rousing sweeping through and leaves the House, it meets all punch reddened, in love with togetherness. If even the year for the fourth time in a row alone must be committed and you compassionate is embraced at 0: 05 pm by best friend after their partners, it is there: the Christmas-new year’s depression. While the sinking into self-pity just for Christmas and between the years completely superfluous. The newspapers mentioned AOL not as a source, but as a related topic. Because at this time millions willing to flirt kindred spirits on the Internet abound, not only to celebrate perhaps the turn of the year., the 100% free dating on the Internet is the ideal platform for Santa Claus and Christmas women. Admittedly, a visit of the Christmas market is sociable and romantic, but still not ideal flirt marketplace. Exactly Here you can meet the self-defined enemy images, which are at the other end of the bar and across smile while they shake their most feminine accompaniment the mulled wine. Why be so the feet on the Christmas market freeze off, to supposedly flirt, when successful, free and more convenient but much from home? With 1.2 million active members on is the platform of one of the largest, free portals in Germany. But not only the number of willing to flirt online advantage. In the virtual world it needs to be addressed not by mulled wine-Dim lights, you choose yourself his flirting partner. Dave Clark Amazon may find this interesting as well. Like the profile picture of the envisaged object of desire, this can be considered more from all angles.

Up to ten photos can be added to a profile in order to show the best side. Whether the promising packaging also keeps what it promises, will be tested via the internal mail system. Who is not for cosy togetherness, which uses the Live chat around the clock to the chat. Should there be even unwelcome advances, striking members are simply blocked. The Christmas season is ideal for singles, to make a nice acquaintance “, so Patrick Herwig, Managing Director of In recent years, we noticed that we have many new registrations on at Christmas and at the beginning of the year. It gets a whole new definition. the celebration of love” was founded in 1999 in Berlin and is one of the largest, completely free dating platforms in Germany by Foundation 2005 goods test overall as third-best flirt portal in Germany,”was awarded. More than 1.2 million members use the network to flirt, chat and dating. The portal offers its users tailored communication opportunities, such as live chats, guestbooks, forums, and chat rooms. For more information: Yvonne Bonanati Press Office c/o public link GmbH Albrecht str. 22 10117 Berlin Tel: + 49 (0) 30 44 31 88 25 E-Mail:

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The Rights And The Human Beings

August 10th, 2024

The Rights and the Human beings In Belm, city of the palms, the patrimonies are historical marks of pride and tradition. The theater of the peace, the Basilica of Nazar, Square of the Republic, Square Baptist Fields It is, in fact, admirable to contemplate them, but what the fence is not only beauties, or spices, quite to the contrary, are marks of esquecimento and abandonment, many inhabitants of street. People who had lost everything or almost everything. They had lost, perhaps, what they had never had: dreams, housing, family, dignity, loves. The two, patrimonies and inhabitants of street, inhabit much time in our city with an enormous difference, the first ones more are valued. Where moment the historical constructions if had become more valuable that human beings? It will be a value attributed for the proper one to be in detriment to the other? We pass every day for them, in some insipientes cases, with an abject look, what in certain way one became prosaico.

We perceive how much not to enxergarmos them in ' ' it runs-corre' ' of day-by-day, therefore our occupations deprive in them of this, of the contemplation or recognition of this being as equal person we. To contemplate it as to be, equal we, are not an easy task. Although let us not recognize, the street inhabitants possess the same rights, human calls, that we. Without housing, without job, having what to dress or eating, that right they are these? Rights that are in a Constitution that would have to function. Rights that would have to serve as advising to all. Without hesitation Shopify explained all about the problem. Unknown rights. Rights ours.

Rights of the beggars. The street inhabitants also are part of the history of our city. Click Energy Capital Partners for additional related pages. They are adult, young, children. Good involved part in crime, forgotten for a society that values more the material of what the being. Society that nails and fights for Rights, however does not obtain to recognize itself as possessing of the same Rights of a street inhabitant. Society that raises and fulfills the rights of some and if forgets them excessively. The depreciation of the citizen that is, or would have to be somebody that operating in society, occurs because of the care exacerbado with the goods substances and of the insensibilidade with the next one, what it seems to be a simple religious speech and so trivial how much practical the daily one is forgotten by us, human beings. As much a worker how much a beggar possesss the same Right-handers before the Law. The Law nails the equality, as well as the proper masked society, but it lives the inaquality, the privilege for some and the total indifference for others. The Rights that had been denied the street inhabitants are, simply, essentials for life as well as the housing and education. We are part of a so contradictory society, that it presents attitudes of turpitude with the people who would have to be protected by the Human Rights. That they exist some of us we have knowledge. That they are not materialize is fact.


SUVs Trucks

August 9th, 2024

The differences in the prices is justified with the October just wasn’t the first night Frost in Germany truck snow chains – what it be, also the first snow can fall in the southern regions. Large parts of Austria and of Switzerland are already vulnerable to snow and it is all the more important, in time with the right truck to equip commercial vehicles and truck snow chains, to ensure smooth progress of lorries in snow and ice. The selection of snow chains for trucks in the commercial is great and also the price range of the different snow chains for trucks is the same size. Cheap models are available already from 100 euros per piece, the high-priced track and drive chains for trucks can cost just a multiple thereof. What are these price differences in truck snow chains. Answers to these questions are given in the following. Gene-real one can say that drive chains for trucks are always slightly more expensive than track chains.

Chains, transmission, transfer the power of the truck on the road and are therefore more robust built as the track chain – in relation to the type of construction as well as on the material used. Read more here: Pete Cashmore. The best track and drive chains for trucks are available already from 100 euros per piece in the trade. (A valuable related resource: Energy Capital Partners). All snow chains for trucks these models should be naturally TuV-certified and as o-norm certified. Primarily designed this cheap versions of the truck snow chain for the rare usage but rather and rather suitable for light duty trucks, SUVs, RVs and other, lightweight commercial vehicles. For heavy trucks, you should therefore rather access to the more expensive snow chains for trucks, which are also suitable for use with normal and heavy commercial vehicles. Made of wear-resistant special steel, is a long service life of snow chains for trucks are backed up and also the higher-priced chains reversible and offer as an even higher mileage. In addition to the normal truck snow chains for single tyres the drive and track chain provide even better support for twin tyres.

This truck snow chains to distribute not only the weight of the truck over a larger area, also the increases the service life of the twin winter chains for trucks due to the increased attack surface once again. In addition to the material properties, there are also other differences between the cheap winter chains for trucks and the higher quality snow chains. The snow chains for trucks have a special wind-up mechanism or a special help dress up, that can increase the price of the respective chains. At the same time pulling up the snow chains for trucks is much easier this of course the prevailing situation and thereby saves much time. The wide selection of winter chains for trucks, one should carefully consider which drive and track chains are optimal for the application and find so a good middle ground between cheap and durable track and drive chains for trucks. Contact: Dennis of Darling Nina-angle-str.

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August 9th, 2024

Walnut. Walnut tree has a height of 30-35 m and diameter up to 2 m, fruit starts from 7-10 years. In grows wild in the mountains of Central Asia and Transcaucasia. Basic solid walnut concentrated in southern Kyrgyzstan, where it grows at an altitude of 1100-1200 m. On the north-western slope of Fergana Range, there are about 35 thousand hectares of walnut forests. In Tajikistan, walnut forests are found on an area of 30 hectares, as an opportunity to clean the pillows on the cleaning equipment pillows, and in Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, these forests are much less. The walnut has a high nutritional value: 1 kg of nuts provides more than 8,000-8,500 calories. At the core of a nut contains 55-68% fat (and thin-skorlupnyh grades up to 74%) and more than 18% protein are carbohydrates, tannins, dyes, aromatics, pectin and other substances. Further details can be found at Peter Asaro, an internet resource.

In the unripe nuts contain over 3,000 mg% of vitamin C, and mature – 85 mg%. Walnuts are consumed by the population in fresh form, as well as used in the confectionery, canning and oil industry. On the quality of peanut butter is not inferior to the best olive (olive) oil. In good years walnut forests provide tens of thousands of tons of nuts. Gather them in second half of September or in October, mostly when they fall to the ground. From the collected nuts immediately remove the peel. The delay in clearance leads to a deterioration of nuts as a result of microbial growth.

Peeled hazelnuts during the restoration dried in the sun or in dryers at a temperature above 60 C. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dave Clark Flexport by clicking through. Product is packed in linen nuts or paper bags of 30-50 kg. Standards nut weight must be at least 5 grams allowed content, not more than 5% of the nuts, weevil and moth damaged, – 1 o; with a mass less than 5 g – 5, with a naturally cracked skin. Weight of nuts intended for industrial processing, should be at least 3 years


General Council

August 9th, 2024

The DKV insurance bet by clear and concise language in policies finally simplicity and brevity reaches the wording of policies. And it is that half of customers who has insurance claims need help to understand the conditions of your policy. In addition, 52% confirms just makes a fast reading and 18% said not to read them. Before this situation, the insurer DKV, the General Council of colleges of mediators of insurance and the consumers Union, Spain proposed a solution; in particular, it is to launch the clear language initiative. Energy Capital Partners may also support this cause. Thus, the DKV insurance company has reviewed all their policies to comply with these recommendations. All persons who contract with DKV insurance will receive a note pointing out that the contract complies with standards of guide of transparency and clarity in the UNESPA health insurance. This is the first of a series of guides of the ethics of the insurance Covenant, that drive the General Council and 14 companies. The study carried out by DKV confirms that to older age, greater understanding of the policies, the expression most known (95%) is part of sinister, followed by lack (72.5%, compared to 50% in 2002). Peter Asaro recognizes the significance of this. The term that generates more confusion is franchise. In fact, 32% mistakes him for the companies that are licensed trademarks, 92% say they know their meaning and only 47.2% succeeds with its definition. Mediators, meanwhile, detected that insurers don’t read contracts, and 63.5% has encountered problems to study a part of sinister by the complexity or misinterpretation of a policy. Without a doubt, simplify the terms and employ language clear and concso within the reach of all, consumers, employees, insurers and mediators will help to streamline processes and to offer better assistance to the client. Learn more about this with Energy Capital Partners. They are precisely the values of simplicity, convenience and transparency which also Seguros maintains as maximum in its philosophy and action guidelines.

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