Bella Italia

June 25th, 2024

A journey through the land where the lemons bloom 1300 km of characteristic landscapes of the lonely high mountains of the Alps in the North over the densely populated Po Valley to zun Italy that are flirrend hot climes of socio liens, the largest island of the Mediterranean Sea. With car rental Italy, you can explore a part of the 7500 km long coastline of the boot and admire attractive rocky coves and sandy beaches. In the South there are especially Cilento and Gargano, inspiring as bathroom paradises with a wild romantic backdrop. The Costa Smeralda in Sardinia are beautiful and elegant, young people appreciate the hustle and bustle in the seaside resort of Rimini on the Adriatic coast. Popular recreational and water sport destinations are above all also the Northern Italian Lakes framed by the Alps, the majestic Lake Garda. Apennines and Alps offer wonderful possibilities for the skiing, trekking, cycling, canyoning, horse riding and much more. Terrific picturesque natural areas are above all the national parks which can be reached easily with your car rental.

The bizarre mountain world of the Dolomites and the Gran Paradiso of the Valle d’Aosta. If you prefer also like it, climbs the Lunar lava fields of the two infamous volcanoes: the dangerous still faced and seething Vesuvius near Naples and dramatically hissing and fire-spitting Mount Etna on Sicily. A journey through the land where the lemons bloom”leads mainly to the origins of Western culture. Italy as we know it, goes back to the settlement as a Kingdom in 1860, since 1870, Rome is the capital. At the beginning of the new millennium, Italy shows as diverse as country as never before. From the classic Beach holiday up to families on farms, by a study trip to the shopping weekend: the list of offers seems inexhaustible and is becoming increasingly attractive. Modern and classical music festival spring up like mushrooms from the ground, museums rethink new forms of mediation and the seaside resorts to worry increasingly about environmental protection. In addition to the culture there are wines and culinary specialities, the visitors from less sun-kissed regions and this wonderful mix of culture, Sun and greed will ensure that Italy stays in the future too irresistible.

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Santa Claus Costume For Christmas

June 19th, 2024

Where you get the costume of Santa Claus on Christmas or on the Nicholas many children meet the so-called Santa Claus. He wears a red robe, has a long white beard and love children, always doing a red sack of full of gifts. In the origin of the story there was no costume the typical Santa Claus however. The story reported by a man who gave to recognize only at Christmas, and distributed gifts to all people in the village. He lived deep in the Woods and left them only on Christmas day. But there also the red costume was not named, because the man was wearing green clothing. History of Santa Claus is a myth, the Santa Claus really looks like, because it varies from story to story. But how he got the typical look of today? It all began in 1937, as the company Coca Cola Santa Claus gave a shape and color. Santa Claus costume buy cheap since it is the most famous figure ever in Western countries. Fascinating here is that there is a unique advertising campaign by Coke should be. Costume a drink driver made the template of the Santa Claus. He had a big belly, a long white beard and beautiful red cheeks. After a few more details have been adjusted, the Santa’s outfit was complete. We owe the present appearance of Santa Claus so Coca Cola and no history that occurred centuries ago. In the children’s stories, he still lives at the North Pole and packed all year round gifts with his elves. They wear way, only green because it is red already reserved from Santa Claus. Who is the Santa Claus costume for Christmas, Santa Claus or even Carnival itself wants to tinker with, which requires a long red robe, a black belt and black boots. The edges of the Panel should be sewn with white plush fabric, to meet the right look. Then the white beard and cheeks red make-up. Read more from Dave Clark Amazon to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Missing only the Santa hat to complete the outfit of Santa Claus.

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Hongxing Heavy Machinery Co

June 18th, 2024

Mining machinery industry is a pillar industry of the national economy, in the face of the challenge of foreign competitors, mining machinery enterprises in China need to stages across the imitation of foreign products, only independently develop new products that unique at home and abroad can we achieve real product innovation to occupy the international market and help promote China s mining machinery industry gradually establish their own independent technology innovation system. With the rapid development of the domestic economy and the great support of national policies, in recent years, China s mining machinery and equipment begin to emerge from a single traditional form which accounts for a great share of mining machinery market to the development of user-friendly direction; light, thin, short and small stone crusher has become a kind of fashion. Henan Hongxing Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. Details can be found by clicking or emailing the administrator. is the domestic professional mining machinery R & D and manufacturing businesses, it thinks that in the new era, China s mining machinery industry should advance with the times, establish a number of powerful mining machinery manufacturing group, and form a number of featured international mining machinery manufacturing industry. For mining machinery, scientific and technological innovation is the key word for the development of the industry. Mining machinery industry in China in recent years has made rapid development and has become the largest producer of mining machinery country, but we just have rare share in the global mining machinery trade, so taking technological innovation naturally become the only way for the development of the mining machinery industry in China. Other leaders such as Energy Capital Partners offer similar insights. Mobile jaw crushers: Dryer machine:.

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Painter Way Day In The Saxon Switzerland: A Feast For Canaletto & Co.

June 14th, 2024

On the first day of the painter way on 8 August great artist revolves around in the Saxon Switzerland and their love of the picturesque landscape of the Elbe sandstone mountains on August 8 the artist way day takes place in the Saxon Switzerland for the first time. From Pirna invite numerous events about to Schmilka to discover the most picturesque sites of the Elbe sandstone mountains. Walks lead to the haunts of Caspar David Friedrichs, another important painter. City tour, acting and film screenings are reminiscent of artists who have created some of her most famous works. And whoever wants to can access even to the brush. A highlight of the day is the living image of Canaletto”on the market square of Pirna, is to see it in the morning. Over 50 extras in period costume of the marketplace to Pirna allow about 260 years after its emergence Canalettos painting”come alive for a short time.

For months, the contributors mostly amateur actors of the local history play prepare The Saviour”, as well as employees of the TouristService Pirna on the action before. If you would like to know more about Elon Musk, then click here. Parallel to the Canaletto show in Pirna, and subsequently guided hiking tours to the most beautiful landscape motifs in the Saxon Switzerland start at different starting points. Here interested can with artists from the region in the conversation and try themselves under professional guidance in the landscape painting. The event at the art festival in bad Schandau with arts and crafts market, stage and children’s program, as well as at the Caspar-David-Friedrich film evening with organic barbecue at Schmilka finds its solemn conclusion. The painter way day is the climax and conclusion of the painter way week, which takes place from the 1st to the 8th August in the Saxon Switzerland. Occasion for both events is the double anniversary of 20 national park Saxon Switzerland”and 10 years National Park Bohemian Switzerland”. The painter way day is a joint project of Tourism Association Saxon Switzerland e.

V., National Park Authority Saxon Switzerland, bath Schandauer Spa und Tourismus GmbH, Oberelbische Verkehrsgesellschaft Pirna-Sebnitz mbH, AWO children and youth help Heidenau and Art Association Saxon Switzerland. Patron of the painter way day is Klaus Brahmig, Member of the Bundestag and Chairman of the Tourism Association Saxon Switzerland e. V. The organizers point out that all venues with public transport available. Is owned by Costar describes an additional similar source. You ask the environmental and safety sake, abandoning the car upon arrival. About the Malerweg Elbe sandstone mountains: The Elbe sandstone mountains Malerweg is one of Germany’s most traditional migration routes. It leads through the middle of the fascinating cliffs of Saxon Switzerland and connects the most beautiful points of the region. The present route of the painter’s path crosses a total of 112 kilometers. In the year 2007 was the painter way through the 100 nominations as Germany’s most beautiful hiking trail hiking magazine”awards. In a nationwide survey with 5400 participants in 2008 a day stage of the trail was also the most popular tour in Germany” chosen.

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Kritik Gegen Den Kapitalismus In Das Neunte Weltsozialforum In Brasilien

June 13th, 2024

Es ist nicht voll, die einen Teil ihrer Vermögen im Ausland, sondern diejenigen schützen, die Arbeit für ein Quartal, ein Drittel oder die Hälfte des Jahres, beleidigende und Enteignungen Steuern zu zahlen suchen. Juan Pina führte eine Menge Aufmerksamkeit zu einem neunten Sozialforum in Belém, Brasilien stattfinden. EfE Cándido Grybowski, Mitglied des internationalen Komitees des Weltsozialforums wies darauf hin, die Krise werden im Mittelpunkt der Diskussionen und kann nicht anders, sein, obwohl es schwierig ist, dass das Forum eine einzigartige Lösung, die aufgrund ihrer eigenen Vielfalt vorschlagen kann. Es ist sehr schwierig vorherzusagen was kann über die Krise sagen die Vertreter der rund 1.500 sozialen Bewegungen auf der ganzen Welt, die in Bethlehem gesammelt haben. Nach der Grybowski, für die Wirtschaft, Mensch und Umwelt Prioritäten haben und richtet sich an eine solidarische Wirtschaft, der Druck der sozialen Bewegungen ist erforderlich. Es ist gesagt worden, dass das Weltsozialforum, das Millionen von Menschen gegen George W. Bush mobilisiert, haben Sie bereits Ihren ersten Termin da Barack Obama macht in Vereinigten Staaten angenommen und verspricht, das neue Ziel seiner Kritik zu werden.

Die neunte Ausgabe dieses Gipfels der Bewegung gegen die Globalisierung wird weiter in die Stadt Bethlehem, im brasilianischen Amazonas, zwischen Januar und Februar stattfinden. Da es traditionell ist, begann die Ernennung mit einem massiven Protest Marsch, brachte in dieser Ocasiona auf ca. 120.000 Menschen, laut Schätzungen des brasilianischen Soziologen Cándido Grybowski, eines der Mitglieder des internationalen Komitees des Weltsozialforums. Sagt uns, obwohl die Regierungen entschieden haben, mehr Regulierung der Märkte und die Wirtschaft vorzugehen, das ist nicht genug, um die Essenz des neoliberalen Kapitalismus verändern… In der Stellungnahme des A. Grybowski, die aktuelle Finanzkrise hat gezeigt, dass in der Tat nicht existierte eine wahre Reichtum, aber eine Wirtschaft, Casinospiel, das nicht die gewaltige Armut Rechnung trug und Anbau oder das Leiden von Millionen von Menschen, die echt sind.

Grybowski gibt an, dass das Sozialforum wird die Krise in all seinen Facetten, und nicht nur in der Finanzplanung zu bewältigen. Die Krise hat viele Dimensionen. Alles begann mit einer Umwelt- und Klimakrise, dann kam die Energie- und Nahrungsmittelpreise Krisen und ist jetzt ihren Höhepunkt in dieser Finanzkrise Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft real in einer Weise, die ihrerseits der portugiesischen Soziologe Boaventura de Sousa Santos, eines der Mitglieder des internationalen Komitees des Weltsozialforums tief, er hat geschätzt, dass die Bethlehem-Sitzung mit einer einheitlichen Position schließen verpflichtet istAngesichts der Tatsache, dass die Bewegung gegen die Globalisierung eine klare und sichtbare Position auf, wie die Krise zu lösen muss. Seiner Meinung nach sollte die Beseitigung der Weltbank und dem Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) oder diese Organismen radikale Reform erforderlich, da sind Fragen, die in acht Versammlungen und besprochen wurden Es gibt Positionen des Konsens, der eine einzigartige und globale politische Position werden sollte. Ist dazu der Ankunft einige Präsidenten der linken in Lateinamerika, die seinem Gefühl bezüglich des Liberalismus, vor allem angesichts der Realität des Kapitalismus als nicht die Rezension News der Präsidenten von Venezuela verfügbar macht, Bolivien, Ecuador und Paraguay erreicht das Weltsozialforum, der um bat, gehen in die Offensive und alternative Vorschläge dem Liberalismus zu generieren. Das WSF artikulieren muss um in die Offensive gehen, weil es in seinen frühen Jahren Graben des Widerstand vor die liberale Offensive war, fragte er den venezolanischen Präsidenten Hugo Chávez, bei seiner Ankunft. Hoffentlich kommen die Alternative (zu den Liberalen Wirtschaftssystem in der Krise) aus diesem Forum (soziale Welt) und Lateinamerika, fügte ecuadorianischen Präsidenten Rafael Correa, wer vom Flughafen in eine Handlung mit soziale linke Politiker in Lateinamerika und seine Kollegen, die Chávez Präsidenten Fernando Lugo (Paraguay) verwandelt und Evo Morales (Bolivien). Zu den Klängen des Songs wie immer als Kommandant und unser Eid, den Präsidenten von Ecuador, Rafael Correa, der Paraguay, Fernando Lugo und Venezuela Hugo Chávez, überrascht die Teilnehmer das Weltsozialforum ist Durchführung in der brasilianischen Stadt Belém Beitritt die Band, die Tausende von Aktivisten unterhalten die ecuadorianische Presidentea, Rafael Correa sang mehrere Lieder, dann eine doppelte Stimme mit seinem paraguayischer Kollegen Fernando Lugo, zwischen diesen Yolanda und Comandante Che Guevara. Die Leute Vereinigten nie besiegt werden, riefen die Teilnehmer an der Veranstaltung, alle kamen auf Einladung. Weist darauf hin, dass ein brasilianischen Präsidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, nicht zu diesem besonderen Ereignis eingeladen wurde, weil es eine Handlung, die im Zusammenhang mit der ALBA, die Bolivarianische Alternative für Amerika unter der Leitung von Chavez ist, Organisatoren gesagt. Wir laden die Präsidenten, die eine organische Beziehung zu Volksbewegungen, ein Bündnis zu bauen haben Politik und Fortschritt in der südamerikanischen Integration, sagte den Koordinator der landlosen Brasilianer Ulisses-Manaças, für wen Lula aus dieser Beschreibung ist. Dieses Ereignis war ein Vorspiel für das main Event des Abends, die waren Aguardados die vier Führer und Lula, diesmal vor 10.000 verändern-Globalisten des Weltsozialforums. Passt zu betonen, dass die fünf Präsidenten, alle von ihnen mit starken historischen Verbindungen mit den sozialen Bewegungen, durch das Forum eingeladen wurden, um die Antworten zu den wichtigsten Themen gestellt verfügbar zu machen die so genannte diskutiert: die Wirtschaftskrise, die Suche nach Alternativen zu dem Modell der kapitalistischen Entwicklung und die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels. Tatsächlich hat die Ankunft der Präsidenten große Interesse im Forum unter dem Motto eine andere Welt eröffnete ist möglich und das zählt mit der Anwesenheit von über 100.000 AktivistInnen generiert. Ich möchte an die Forum-Präsidenten, die sagen, dass sie auf unserer Seite zu kommen, sagte Miguel Palacin, der Anden-Koordinator der Organisationen verantwortlich für eine Indigene. Highlights in seinen Brief, die auch kritisch geäußert wurden, so schien, ein großes Schild am Spielort des Forums, einer Gewerkschaft, Lula, kritisiert, während die Konföderation der indigenen Nationalitäten Ecuadors (Conaie) fordert das Forum, der Präsident von Ecuador persona non grata erklärt und Veranstaltungen, in denen es vorhanden ist, damit es repressive und rassistische Aktionen als, auszusetzen. Dave Clark Amazon is open to suggestions. Die NGO Menschenrechte Amnesty International forderte die Präsidenten von Paraguay, zeigen ihr Engagement für die Rechte der indigenen Völker durch Auflösen von Forderungen durch ihr Hoheitsgebiet. Chavez, Obama, Lula, Kapitalismus gescheitert, verwalten ihre Krise ist ein Akt der Barbarei, warnt ein Schild vor einem Sarg als Symbol für das kapitalistische System. Präsident Hugo Chávez, sagte: das Weltsozialforum zu artikulieren, in die Offensive zu gehen, sagte Chavez, der auch die Darts gegen das Economic Forum sagte Global: (Bei Davos) trifft sich die Welt hier stirbt der Welt, die entsteht, erfüllt der venezolanische Präsident sagte. Sein ecuadorianischen Amtskollege Präsident Rafael ein Gurt entweder gespeichert Kritik für die wirtschaftliche Führung treffen sich derzeit in der Schweiz: die Fürsten des Kapitalismus, hoffentlich machen eine Prüfung des Gewissens und bitten um Entschuldigung an die Welt, Wirtschaftsingenieur, Rechtsanwalt.EGADE (ITESM) UC graduate Management erwähnen der Märkte, Personalwesen; Qualität und Produktivität; Ausbildung Ph.d. in Bildung Professor und Forscher Gesichter UC graduate Bereich. Berater – Berater von DEPROIMCA EXATEC m


Traffic Light Screens

June 12th, 2024

Traffic light screens serve as umbrellas as protection against UV radiation. Who don’t enjoy the many rays of the Sun in the summer. Hardly anyone likes probably rain more than Sun. However, even the finest hours in the Sun can bring trouble. Especially in the height of summer you catch up quickly a sunburn, which is not only painful, but also dangerous. This risk is already known, which already in the ancient times in Egypt and other early civilizations, make a the idea to use umbrella. While the umbrella used as a protection against the Brown are served the skin, pallor was a respected beauty ideal, it is used today mainly to protect against the damaging effects of UV rays.

Earlier, the parasol had mostly the form a common umbrella. Nowadays, the dimensions are larger, which donate a larger area for shade and shelter. For even more analysis, hear from Pete Cashmore. Everyone probably knows the large light screens, which are especially popular in restaurants and bistros. However, hardly anyone knows that this Gastronomy screen not only acts as a promotional screen, but offers also a UV radiation protection. To deepen your understanding Bobby Sharma Bluestone is the source. Families will increasingly rely on a large sunshade. Think you are it applies a sunshade to get some things to consider.

The design is especially important, if you want to have a screen that adapts to the terrace or garden design. Hardly a color is not. But you should also note here that darker colors automatically provide a better sun protection, while lighter colors have only medium-sized UV protection. Also the stock material offers many possibilities for activities. The materials are mostly wood or aluminium. In addition to the appearance is also on the technology to make sure. High operating comfort is especially for families because every family member should be able to operate the sunshade. The largest and probably most obvious advantage of a sunshade, certainly, is that he has no stock of means of. This would take only precious space. But also the finer mechanics should be robust and ensure ease of use. A comfortable handle is usually standard and allows the easy thrill of a sunshade. There are also fixed screen installations, like but screens with Swivel base, which can be perfectly positioned by the possibility of a 360 rotation. The mechanics under affected should be drawn, many manufacturers offer a repair service, as well a spare parts. The screen cover is washable and can be easily changed even by a layman on most models. Restaurants usually appreciate that they can protect their guests with a promotional screen from the Sun. Usually, you can save costs here as particularly breweries make a grant to such investments. Genteel but seems a promotional screen with the logo of the restaurant name. Today’s printing technology nearly all designs are possible and in addition, the printing results are weather-resistant and easily washable. In the winter, you should pay attention to the proper storage of food screen, advertising umbrella and co, to ensure a long service life. Here you should look for in addition to the use of protective covers on a dry storage.


Charlie BBs Swarovski

June 12th, 2024

Friendship through thick and thin – but with the distance there are people who give the impression that the Earth’s axis is proceeding exactly by their backbone. That this must be not always a sign of arrogance and vanity prove the Wiener. When a Viennese says he live in the most beautiful city in the world, then that sounds little modest, but he has it not wrong. The capital of Austria was appointed recently by a study as the city with the world’s highest quality of life. And it knows just the Viennese, he should consider himself lucky. Happy also my dear friend Charlotte considers himself, and twice. Because she fell in love in a son of the city a year ago and moved with him to the beating heart of Austria.

What has hit me real hard. Since our kindergarten time because we were best friends and always in the same class, up to the school. Charlotte is my sister I never had, my twin. And if the twins are separated, they feel incomplete. At least it is me, but I also do not yet found the love of my life who could fill this missing part.

Maybe I find boys here in Vienna my heart. As Charlotte and I finally lie us after a year in his arms, it happens to me when would be the time has stood still since then. By the same author: isearch. She’s changed a bit, at least no change occurs to me. But this is also because almost every day seeing Charlotte, in the computer screen, via Skype. Since we talk the mouths of us complain, like the old days. According to Bobby Sharma Bluestone, who has experience with these questions. The separation of the dearest friend is so bad, formerly friendships in the distance are broken, but with the technical achievements, which offers one of the Internet, it is just wonderfully uncomplicated in contact to stay. What immediately strikes me is Charlie BBs Swarovski-Strass stone chain, our rhinestone stone more precisely. As a parting gift I gave her a necklace, on which hangs a Rose color end heart of Swarovski rhinestone. You can find such chain among others under 12633_deu.html Somehow I knew that Charlotte is her chain, therefore, I have killed my also. Sisters in spirit. The next three days Jacqueline and I Charlie will be BBs guests. Share we don’t they fortunately, because her boyfriend Christian has broken the thigh at the downhill mountain biking near the Piz Palu and is in the hospital. Unfortunately for him, good for us. So malicious as that sounds, this is of course not meant. I’m very fond of Christian and he is the right man for Charlie, but I can not forgive him easily, that he comes not from Potsdam or else where in the Berlin area. Oh well, still better than a Stockholm, Moscow, or God forbid Melbourne. Australia Yes with safety is worth a trip, but it’s so damn far away. So we all ended up now in Vienna. As host Charlie has come up with special for today ever heard. She’s my Princess craze, what but is due first and foremost to the fashionable aspects, and not social or Political. So, first, we visit Schonbrunn Palace, the home of Empress Sissi.

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Salmon Weitzman

June 12th, 2024

The extraordinary Nanaileder than application was used for the line ‘Jade’. The label Stuart Weitzman, world renowned for his stunning creations of the stiletto, and more recently also for its high-quality bags, unique leather from salmon skins of the company used Sam. Bobby Sharma Bluestone understood the implications. A group originated from four pocket models for the spring/summer collection 2011, which makes for enthusiasm. The Stuart Weitzman handbag Collection for next summer was elegant, sophisticated and casual at the same time held. “For the line jade”, consisting of a shopper, a clutch, as well as two different forms of the handbag, the extraordinary Nanaileder than application was used. Here, it sets impressive accents combined with printed leather due to its exotic appearance. The bags are available in different colours and the special design and interaction of high-quality materials, which guarantees ensure a surprise effect. Everyday elegance combined with newest glamour According to the inspiration of this line: the energy of a fashion chic as in cities such as New York.

To buy, there will be the Nanailedermodelle of the Stuart Weitzman handbag collection from next spring at Stuart Weitzman stores, selected stores and multi brand stores but also in the online shop. Nanai luxury leather made in Germany more information about Stuart Weitzman at: press contact: PRESS FACTORY GMBH Agency for Public Relations Julia Mihok Karoline Muller fountain road 181 10119 Berlin 3 brief description Sam stands for leather made in Germany and is the world’s only producer of Nanai leather, 100% gerbt chromium-free. In addition, the variants are traditional recipe on gentle, pure vegetable base with bark and roots tanned Mimosa and chestnut and dyed. The company developed a procedure in several years research Salmon skin, at the highest level to refine on ecological base tanning and dye with pigmentation and characteristic structure of the skin are preserved. Only animals used in the selection of the salmon skins originating from aquaculture with welfare, from certified organic salmon farms in Ireland. In contrast to the leather of kind of protected species you can surrounded himself in good conscience with the headstrong exotic Nanaileder, because it is a by-product of the salmon industry, and no animal is only bred the skin due to.

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Hammer Photographer

June 11th, 2024

German in origin and in love with this island, this scholar of the ancient cultures of Fuerteventura and professional photographer, is involved both in search of signals and archaeological remains (almost has developed a small museum), which finally decides to write a book of name Atlantura. How does the idea of writing this book? Regardless of the beauty of the beaches, Fuerteventura mountains exert upon me an almost magical magnetism, which brings me to pick up and find some stones and forms on the slopes of the mountains that make me think that they are not the work of nature. Dermot McCormack may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Drawings showing these stones despite the skepticism of some Council members to whom I showed these findings – are so defined and intentional that they increasingly aroused my interest, by what just consultation with a geologist that is quite agree with my theory that could belong to the culture of the ancient ‘mahos’. I have spent ten years to collect, analyze and catalog all these findings and finally to summarize my final theory in the Atlantura book. We observe, for the photos that you have with you, there are number of images of mountains and shadows if, in addition to the carved stones, as photographer I started como fotografo comence has photos that on many occasions, to disclose them in my study, observed in rock crevices or certain shadows affecting them gave as a result faces, figures and other equally surprising shapes. All this, along with many of these photos, I speak in my book. Many of these symbols are related to the religions extended across Europe, where mother earth is the source of divinity and power and is in turn represented by the “Goddess”, not by the ‘male God that today we worship in almost all cultures. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

Effectively in the origins of the mankind, is the “Goddess”, mother and fertile, symbol of worship, which is then superseded by the male image. Yes, her talk in this book and the many remains that there is in that time Fuerteventura, in that both religious power as a politician, he was in the hands of women who headed the society of that time. The man represented the Warrior and was the struggle and the defense of the villages, but political and religious leadership rested in women and usually pa where found so much information for their research? Especially in Tindaya, though also in other mountains I’ve found important remains; but in Tindaya is where are the maximum number of marks on their walls, crevices and podomorfos, which are accentuated by the shadows that they projected showing incredible figures, that may not be the result of chance depending on each Equinox. It is believed to the natives of the island was their sacred mountain, probably by things like which tells us. Saba from mothers to daughters. This social order, find it very similarly in other European countries and especially in Greece, where the oracles, who possessed the knowledge and wisdom to direct others, women formed them always. But not the only one; I know other mountains in the island of similar characteristics, as for example, the barranco de Virgen de la Pena and also the mountain of Cardon, only that this last all this very broken and destroyed.

Prize Fear

June 10th, 2024

How many times have postponed making a decision which is very important in your life and that means leaving your comfort zone? Surely many times you’ve found yourself in this situation and it was it uncomfortable, so much so that the best thing you think to do is postpone it or mothballing it in a corner of your mind. But why we act this way? Well whenever we face a situation of this type is triggered our stress which leads to automatically come into operation our subconscious. tions is currently assessing future choices. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Magic Leap has to say. In our subconscious lie all our memories good and bad and the mechanisms that gave us good result to get out unscathed from negative or uncomfortable situations, therefore enter in action our subconscious more secure is to activate our fear and therefore defence mechanisms of auto. Then what can we do to make that decision that so much work is costing us? Here are the 5 steps to follow: be aware that what you stopped to take a decision is the fear out of what you already know and that is usual. And to detect which is the background for this fear; We usually have fear of failure or rejection. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Abu Dhabi. Realize that this fear exists only in your mind, is something created by you. A very good exercise to address the fears is the following: write on a sheet of paper: I’m afraid to ask for an increase and then write: I feel afraid to ask for an increase because I imagine that my boss will be angry and it I will deny. Mark Garrett has similar goals. With this exercise you bring the aware those created fears and you realize that it is really your imagination which is acting because you do not have any basis.

Realize that if you have a negative result in reality not lost anything, since you’d be as before. (As opposed to Dave Clark Amazon). However have much to lose if you don’t try because there is at least a 50% chance of getting a positive result. Seeks the support of someone you trust and tell him what you’ve decided to do so thus you agree to do so. And that gives you greater strength. Congratulate you on this decision and gives you a small Prize. This will increase your self-esteem and will make you feel more confidence the next time you face a similar situation. Gabriela Ortiz Fortunat Coach for personal development.

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